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About Greg Loveless Motivational Speaker Trainer Keynote Address

Greg's Background Biography
Member NSA - National Speakers Association Greg has been a Fast Pitch Softball Coach and Instructor for nearly 30 years. His teams regularly qualified for Nationals including Junior Olympic Nationals where they competed against the top teams from around the nation.

He has helped over thirty players obtain athletic scholarships at NCAA and NAIA collegiate level. And in each of the years from 2000 to the present, one or more of the pitchers who take lessons from Greg has pitched a perfect game, creating the tag line —

“They teach you to pitch, we teach you to pitch perfectly.”

In addition to his years as a coach Greg has worked in the fields of Construction Management, the Restaurant Industry, Database Programming, Information Technology Management, Web Design, has been an Instructor, a Coach and Speaker.

After leaving the corporate world in 2004 Greg joined his wife Linda in her very successful home based business that does over two million a month in retail volume. By applying the techniques of the “change-process” and “It’s not fair” they were able to triple their income in one year.

Greg and Linda have been married for over 33 years and have three children, Schandra, Nathan and Schayne.


Origen of Greg Loveless Trainings Keynotes Workshops
During his many years as a coach and private instructor Greg taught his players the strategies necessary to successfully navigate "The Change-Process". Whether it was an 8 year old learning to pitch for the first time or a collegiate player adjusting her skills to play at the collegiate level; to improve, all players have one thing in common - to be successful they have to navigate the changes that are necessary to reach their goal.

While working with his players Greg noticed the same concepts he taught his players to assist them in navigating "The Change-Process" were also present in the corporate world where he worked as a Director of Information Technology. These concepts were also present in the non-profit groups Greg worked with. The concepts needed to successfully navigate "The Change-Process" are not peculiar to sports, but are universal and applied to any company, group or individual pursuing a goal.


Greg’s presentations include Keynotes and Trainings on the topics of “It’s Not Fair” and “Navigating the Change-Process”.

“It’s Not Fair”:
"It's Not Fair" deals with how powerful fairness is in our decision making process. In fact it is so powerful that we often make decisions based on “fairness” never realizing that the decision has moved us away from our intended goal. The presentation teaches participants first, how to identify when they are using “fairness” to justify a decision that is moving them away from their goals; and secondly Greg provides strategies to empower us to use “fairness” as a motivator to transform ourselves and all those who are a part of the goal.

“Navigating the Change-Process”:
“Navigating the Change-Process” deals why individuals often fail to manage the changes that are necessary to reach an individual or company goal. Any time we set a goal we are saying we want to move from where we are, Point "A", to where we want to be Point "B" and this always involves change. The failure to reach our goals often has less to do with our abilities and whether the goals is attainable, and more to do with a person's failure to manage "The Change-Process".

The presentation uses stories from Greg’s players to outline each concept that is needed to successfully navigate "The Change-Process". The stories, often humorous and poignant, penetrate the mental defenses most audience members have. Once the player’s story has been shared a similar example from business is related to each concept. This presentation process not only aids the participants in understanding, but the stories are so powerful and vivid that retention, and thus application, is extremely high.


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